Housework and Gardening

Help with home and garden maintenance

To shop for help in the home or garden visit our Marketplace where you can pay for things like cleaning or gardening services.

To find local support charities search our community database for support with your housework and gardening.

You could also benefit from Doncaster Repair and Support Service who carry out minor repairs and maintenance jobs for elderly and disabled people who are cannot do the job themselves and who don't have anyone to help them.

There is no charge for the work they do, but materials will have to be supplied by the person who is getting the work done.

Find out more about the Doncaster Repair and Support Service on the Doncaster Council website

How do I access the service?

Please contact us, or ask your health or social services professional or a friend to contact the service for you.

Once you have been referred, we will make arrangements for a call handler to call and deal with the problem where possible.

All our workers carry an identification card, which will be shown to you when they arrive. Always ask to see identification before you let anyone into your home.