Physical Activity

Getting Active

Building activity into your day keeps your heart healthy, reduces your risk of serious illness and strengthens muscles and bones. It can also be a great way of reducing your stress levels and lifting your mood if you’re feeling down. There are activities and groups for all ages with exercises suited to your own physical ability, search our directory for local exercise groups in your area.

  • Adults need to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week, or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity.

  • Kids aged 5 to 16 need at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity each day, and most of the daily physical activity should be aerobic.

  • Kids aged 1 to 5 need three hours of activity spread throughout the day, from light activity for toddlers to moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity for pre-schoolers.

  • Babies (under 1 year) should be encouraged to be active throughout the day, every day in a variety of ways, including crawling.

It can seem hard to fit activity into a busy schedule. Working and looking after the rest of the family and the home can mean there isn’t much free time, and sometimes activity can seem expensive too - but it doesn't have to be.

Top 10 Tips for Moving More

  • Split activity up throughout the day - You can achieve your target in bouts of 10 minutes or more.
  • Walk more - to school/work, to visit friends, to the shops, or other places in your neighbourhood.
  • Park further away - If you need to drive, try to park further away from your destination and walk the rest of the way.
  • Play - Children love to play – it’s a great way to get them up and about, having fun and staying healthy.
  • Playing together is a great way to be active as a family. Visit the Change4life website for some fun family physical activity ideas.
  • Take the stairs - Take the stairs instead of the lift, or get out of the lift a few floors early and use the stairs.
  • Mix it up - Try to find different walks, and alternate between them during the week. Gradually build up to walking 10,000 steps a day.
  • Go green - Heavy gardening - including pushing, bending, squatting, carrying, digging and shovelling - can provide a good workout.
  • Take up an active hobby - Being active is all about having fun. If we don’t enjoy it, we won’t keep it up.
  • We all deserve to spend some time doing something we enjoy. Try searching the directory for things to do in your area.
  • Do it your way - Activity can be fun and social if you try new ways of being active with friends and family. But it can also be a great way of having time to yourself if you have a busy home or work life. Try a 15-minute walk after dinner – it can be a great opportunity to clear your head.
  • Get Technical - Use an app on your phone, visit the Get Active Apps page for ideas.

For lots of information and useful tips visit NHS Choices website.

Get Doncaster Moving

Get Doncaster Moving is a local partnership that aims to help local communities become healthier and more vibrant by increasing the number of people taking part in physical activity and sport.

Focussing on five key themes covering cycling, walking, dance, sports and use of parks/open spaces, we know that physical activity contributes to healthier individuals in communities. But it is about more than just health. Physical activity and sport can and should be fun and enjoyable, often bringing people together, with individuals achieving their own aspirations.

For more information visit the Get Doncaster Moving website.